Jeanne Cheng

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Nurturing the mind, body, and spirit is second nature for this dedicated foodie. Having studied the mind-body connection, health, healing, and meditation for more than 30 years, Jeanne has earned degrees in Molecular Biology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spiritual Psychology, and has a background in Ayurveda. She has always loved cooking and been passionate about nutrition, and her son Kye's picky palate, food sensitivities, and desire for all things “yummy" presented her with an opportunity to bring all of her knowledge to experimenting, being creative, and having fun with food and her son. What emerged is a set of food philosophies endearingly dubbed KyeChi, a new and exciting food called the KyeRito, the book Pursuit of the Magic Piece, and this restaurant. Jeanne hopes to empower the way we eat with a new dining experience that adds value to our lives and addresses the changes we need to see in the food industry for the well being of us, our children, and our planet.